Gots' Interests

Cursillo Movement

cursillo icon

The Cursillo Movement is a movement of lay people, priests, and religious in and of the Church, whose goal is to restore all things in Jesus Christ. Cursillo provides a unique method to enable men and women to work together to Christianize their environments.

Cursillo is a short 3-day course in Christian living; however, the totality of Cursillo is forever.

Learn more on What Is the Cursillo Movement? - as explained in The Cursillo National Newsletter, April 2023


An Ultreya is a reunion of those who have been on a Cursillo weekend retreat - a kind of intensive confirmation retreat in which people who have become complacent or forgetful in their faith can become excited about it again.

Attend an Ultreya near you to see just what the Cursillo movement is all about.

Some Cursillo Links:


De Colores !




This page was last revised on: April 27, 2023